
Saturday, March 27, 2010

The Love Dare

Day 3
Love is not selfish
Be devoted to one another in brotherly love; give preference to one another in honor-Romans 12:10
Today's reading is about not being selfish. Today the world teaches us to focus on our appearance, feelings, and personal desires as the top priority.
If there were a word that meant the opposite of love, it is selfishness. Unfortunately, it is something every person was born with. Almost every sinful action ever commited can be tracked back to a selfish motive.
Why do we have such low standers for ourselves but high expectations for our mate? The answer is a sainful pill to swallow? We are all selfish.
When a husband puts his interest, desires, and prioritesin front of his wifes, that is a sign of selfishness.
When a wife constantley complains about the time and energy she spends meeting the needs of her husband, that's a sign of selfishness. But love "does not seek it's own"(Icorinthiands 13:5) Loving couples- the ones who are enjoying the perpose marriage. are bent on taking good care of the otehr flawed human they get to share life with.
Love also leads to inner joy. When you priortize the wellbeing of your mate, there is a resulting fulfillment that cannot be duplicated by selfish actions. When you relinquish your rights for the sake of your mate, you get a chance to lose yourself to the greater purpose of marriage.
The Dare
What ever you put you time, energy, and money into will become more important to you. It's hard to care for something your not investing in. Along from restraining from negative comments, Buy your spouce something that says, "I was thinking about you today."

Friday, March 26, 2010

The Love Dare

Day 2
Love is kind
Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving to one another, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.-Ephesians 4:32
Today's reading was about kindness. Kindness is love in action & love makes you kind. And kindness makes you likable. When you are kind, people want to be around you. They see you as being good to them and good for them.
Breaking kindness down.
Gentleness- When you operating from kindness your careful how you treat your spouse, never being unnecessarily harsh. Your sensatice and tender
Helpfulness- Being kind means you meet the needs of the moment.
Willingness- Kindness inspires you to be agreeable. Instead of being obstinate, reluctant, or stubborn, you cooperate, you stay flexible. Rather than making excuses.
Initiative- Kindness thinks ahead, then takes the first step. When acting from kindness, you see the need, then make your move. First
It is difficult to demonstrate love when you feel little to no motivation. You will never learn to love until you learn to demonstrate kindness
In addition to saying nothing negative to your spouce again today, Do atleast one unexpected gestureas an act of kindness.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Love Dare

I am reading a faith-based book "The Love Dare." It is a 40-day challenge for husbands and wives to understand and practice unconditional love. Each day you will read a new understanding what it means to genuinely love someone while learning more about the design, nature, and source of true love. Each reading includes Scripture, a statement of principle, the day's "dare."

Day 1
Love is patience
Be completely humble and gentle, be patient, bearing with one another in love. Ephesians 4:2
Today's reading was about being patience with your spouse. Love will inspire you to become a a patience person. When you choose to be patience you respond in a positive way.
No one likes to be around an impatient person. It causes you to overreact in foolish and angry ways. Anger almost never makes things better. But patience stops problems in their tracks.
Patience makes us wise. It doesn't rush to judgement but makes us listen to what the other person is saying. It calms us down. Patience helps you give your spouse permission to be human.
For the next day, resolve to demonstrate patience and say nothing negative to your spouse at all. If the temptation arises choose not to say anything. It's better to hold your tongue then to say something you'll regret.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Isn't it crazy how a persons words can affect you?
That just happened to me!!
I have been in a christian ever since I can remember.
That doesn't mean I have been the best Christian but I know I want to become a better one and teach my son to always be faithful to God.
I was reading a blog that Mandy wrote (God and America) she wrote something that touched me and i wish everyone would read it. I know it will open you eyes and think wow! She is my only blog follower so it wont be hard to find!!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Park n Ride

Those 2 are destine to be B.F.F! Kayden, who is 2 wanted to pull Brayden in the wagon. She was going so fast it was almost hard for me to keep up and take the picture!

Me and her mommy, Taylor, are best friends also!! We have known each other for over 10 years. I am so blessed to have a friend like her. She is the one friend that has been constant in my life. Some friends come and go but not her! Thank God!!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Why do people think that it's okay to give their opinion on every little thing? Yea, I know we have freedom of speech and all that good stuff but don't put your mouth where it doesn't belong!

There are a few people I know that think they know eveeerything. Their way is "always" better than yours. It's not like they are trying to say they are right in a nice way but they say it with attitude and with "I just want you to know...blah blah blah". Who cares I didn't want to know in the first place!

Just had to vent about that for a sec. thanks for hearing me out.

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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

20 minute work out plan

6 Minute Warm-Up: (Alternate between the two exercises until you have completed each 3 times)

1 minute Jog in place,1 minute Jumping Jacks.
1 minute Squats
1 minute Push-Ups
1 minute Bicycle Abs
1 minute Mountain Climbers
1 minute High Knees
2 minutes Lunges (1 minute for each leg)
1 minute Seated Dips
1 minute Plank Hold
1 minute Ski Jumps
1 minute Butt Kicks
3 minute Stretch and Cool Down

Can you guess what we had for snack time???

5 facts about popcorn

1. When popped, popcorn kernels can reach a height of 3 feet

2. American's consume 17 billion quarts of popcorn annually

3. National Popcorn Day is celebrated on the 19th January

4. Popcorn is considered a whole grain food

5. Unbuttered popcorn only has between 25 and 55 calories per cup.

Easy Popcorn Recipe

3 Tbsp oil
1/3 cup popcorn kernels
1 3-quart covered saucepan
2 Tbsp or more (to taste) of butter
Salt to taste

Ohh SNAP.. look what I saw

Last weekend I bought a new camera & oooh how do I love it!! It is a Nikon d3000. Now I'm constantly snapping pictures of Brayden and Tyson(the dog). I think Brayden is starting to get sick of it.This morning before we went to the gym I took this of him. If you look at his face in this photo it is saying "seriously mom, not today!"

This handsome dog is named Tyson aka Tybo. He looks sweet and sad but don't let that fool you! He is a wild animal. At least once a month I have to buy new underwear because he eats them. Nasty, yeah I know. Ohhhh and if anyone wants to come into the house I have to see who's at the door then tell them to hold on and let Tybo out and then they are safe to enter. If not they or there children will be slobbered to death. Other than that he a great dog.

Back to the wonderful camera...Here are a few pictures I have taken so far!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Splish Splash, I was takin' a bath

Isn't this the cutest little boy you have ever seen in you life? Well, he is!
Brayden loves his bath time. I usually start the water when he's finishing up his dinner. As soon as he hears me turn the bath water on he wants down and starts running as fast as his little legs will let him and leans in as faaaaar as he can to touch the water.

Now he has learned a new trick. He stands up with his arms out "wanting" me to pick him up and take him out, but as soon as I stand up with the towel ready, he sits back down as fast as he can. He will do this about three time before he is for sure ready to come out.

The computer and being a mommy

So my sister made me this bog account last year and I have never really tried to use it until now!
Man, is it hard to figure out! I'm usually good with the computer.
I mean I do have a myspace and a facebook!
Now things are a lot harder since Brayden is wanting to do everything I do... like touch everything!
So I can only get on the computer while he is napping.
Every time I get close to getting the hang of this blog
Brayden wakes up from his nap and I have to end up trying again later. Well, here I am...trying. GO ME!!(:
That handsome little guy's name is Brayden.
He is my only child and the love of my life!
He was born in November 2008.
Now he is 15mo. old and he sure does keep me on my toes!

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